The Plight of the Butterfly
A rainbow of color fills the sky,
A display of beauty - natures pride.
Fluttering, gliding high and low,
A moment of glamour, a moment for show.
Who on earth delights our day?
Did I play a part in some small way?
To know their needs shows that I am aware.
An active roll shows that I care.
Their beauty was not always so,
They were once a menace, an unwanted foe.
Hungry caterpillars are not always friends,
a perfect garden has no place for them.
Perfection comes in many forms,
My perfect garden has food for all.
A rainbow of color fills the sky,
A display of beauty - natures pride.
Fluttering, gliding high and low,
A moment of glamour, a moment for show.
Who on earth delights our day?
Did I play a part in some small way?
To know their needs shows that I am aware.
An active roll shows that I care.
Their beauty was not always so,
They were once a menace, an unwanted foe.
Hungry caterpillars are not always friends,
a perfect garden has no place for them.
Perfection comes in many forms,
My perfect garden has food for all.