African Monarch Danaus Chrysippus aegyptius
The African Monarch is a common butterfly found throughout South Africa.
Its coloration is mimicked by several butterflies due to its poisonous nature.
Larval stage feeds mostly on the toxic milkweed.
The African Monarch is a common butterfly found throughout South Africa.
Its coloration is mimicked by several butterflies due to its poisonous nature.
Larval stage feeds mostly on the toxic milkweed.

Layman Amauris albimaculata albimaculata
Common along coastal and riverine forests.
Caterpillar matures into a highly reflective golden pupa.
Larval stage feeds on Cynanchum and Tylophora creepers.
Common along coastal and riverine forests.
Caterpillar matures into a highly reflective golden pupa.
Larval stage feeds on Cynanchum and Tylophora creepers.

Novice Amauris ochlea ochlea
Smaller than similar colored Friar. Common along coastal and riverine forests.
Larval stage feeds on Cynanchum and Tylophora creepers.
Smaller than similar colored Friar. Common along coastal and riverine forests.
Larval stage feeds on Cynanchum and Tylophora creepers.

Evening Brown Melanitis leda helena
Most active at dusk and on cloudy days. They are attracted to fermenting fruits.
Laval stage feed on certain grass species among other plants.
Most active at dusk and on cloudy days. They are attracted to fermenting fruits.
Laval stage feed on certain grass species among other plants.

Bush Beauty paralethe dendrophilus
Feeds on tree sap.
Flight period restricted to summer months.
Larval stage feeds on certain grass species.
Feeds on tree sap.
Flight period restricted to summer months.
Larval stage feeds on certain grass species.

Garden Acraea Acraea horta
Common garden species with the laval stage occuring in large numbers on wild peach trees (kiggelaria africana).
Often seen over-wintering on garden walls etc. in the larval stage, where it will appear motionless until spring when it will pupate.
Widespread in the Eastern parts of the country
Common garden species with the laval stage occuring in large numbers on wild peach trees (kiggelaria africana).
Often seen over-wintering on garden walls etc. in the larval stage, where it will appear motionless until spring when it will pupate.
Widespread in the Eastern parts of the country

Natal Acraea Acraea natalica
Male usually more brightly colored than the female.
Common along the eastern parts of South africa.
Laval stage feeds on Adenia Gummifera creeper among others.
Male usually more brightly colored than the female.
Common along the eastern parts of South africa.
Laval stage feeds on Adenia Gummifera creeper among others.

Yellow-banded Acraea Hyalites cabira
The host plant Triumfetta tomentosa is generally seen as an undesirable weed and removed from domestic gardens.
Butterfly can be quite common in areas where its host plant is available.
Restricted to eastern parts of South Africa.
The host plant Triumfetta tomentosa is generally seen as an undesirable weed and removed from domestic gardens.
Butterfly can be quite common in areas where its host plant is available.
Restricted to eastern parts of South Africa.

Dusky Acraea Hyalites esebria esebria
There are different colour forms of this butterfly.
Easy to confuse with white-barred Acraea and common wanderer.
Common along the eastern parts of South Africa.
Laval stage feeds on species of stinging nettle and other plants.
There are different colour forms of this butterfly.
Easy to confuse with white-barred Acraea and common wanderer.
Common along the eastern parts of South Africa.
Laval stage feeds on species of stinging nettle and other plants.

Pearl Emperor Charaxes varanes varanes
Attracted to fermenting fruit.
Widespread along the South African eastern coastline and inland.
Laval stage feeds on trees of the Allophylus family.
Attracted to fermenting fruit.
Widespread along the South African eastern coastline and inland.
Laval stage feeds on trees of the Allophylus family.

Green-Veined Emperor Charaxes candiope
Male has two tails of equal length, female has one tail longer than the other.
Attracted to fermenting fruit.
Strong flyer.
Found in eastern parts of South Africa and beyond our northern borders.
Larval stage feeds on certain species of Crotons
Male has two tails of equal length, female has one tail longer than the other.
Attracted to fermenting fruit.
Strong flyer.
Found in eastern parts of South Africa and beyond our northern borders.
Larval stage feeds on certain species of Crotons

White-barred Emperor Charaxes brutus natalensis
Strong flyer.
Attracted to fermenting fruit.
Larval stage feeds on Forest Mahogany among others.
Strong flyer.
Attracted to fermenting fruit.
Larval stage feeds on Forest Mahogany among others.

Satyr Emperor Charaxes ethalion ethalion 45-60mm
Female and male have different coloration.
Male black in color. Female patterned as in illustration.
restricted to eastern parts of South Africa.
Larval stage feeds on certain species of Albizia, Acacia and others.
Female and male have different coloration.
Male black in color. Female patterned as in illustration.
restricted to eastern parts of South Africa.
Larval stage feeds on certain species of Albizia, Acacia and others.

Battling Glider Cymothoe alcimeda
Male and female with distinctly different coloration.
They breed in large numbers on wild peach trees. (Kiggelaria africana)
Male and female with distinctly different coloration.
They breed in large numbers on wild peach trees. (Kiggelaria africana)

Boisduval's False Acraea Pseudacraea boisduvalii trimenii (65-88mm)
Male more intensely colored than female.
Found in upper eastern parts of the country.
Larval stage feeds on a range of plants which include species of Chrysophyllum.
Male more intensely colored than female.
Found in upper eastern parts of the country.
Larval stage feeds on a range of plants which include species of Chrysophyllum.

Common Sailer Neptis laeta (40-52mm)
Male and female similar.
Found in upper eastern parts of the country.
Larval stage feeds on Albizia adianthifolia among others.
Male and female similar.
Found in upper eastern parts of the country.
Larval stage feeds on Albizia adianthifolia among others.

Common Joker Byblia anvatara acheloia (40-48mm)
Male and female similar.
Found in eastern parts of South Africa and further north.
Larval stage feeds on Tragia glabrata.
Male and female similar.
Found in eastern parts of South Africa and further north.
Larval stage feeds on Tragia glabrata.

Pied Piper Eurytela hiarbas angustata (45-55mm)
Male and female similar
Found in eastern parts of South Africa and down into parts of the Western Cape.
Larval stage feeds on stinging nettle.
Male and female similar
Found in eastern parts of South Africa and down into parts of the Western Cape.
Larval stage feeds on stinging nettle.

Golden Piper Eurytela Dryope angulata (40-55mm)
Male and female similar.
Found in eastern parts of South Africa.
Breeds throughout the year.
Larval stage feeds on stinging nettle and Castor oil plant (an alien invader).
Male and female similar.
Found in eastern parts of South Africa.
Breeds throughout the year.
Larval stage feeds on stinging nettle and Castor oil plant (an alien invader).

Common Diadem Hypolimnas misippus (60-80 mm)
Male and female with distinctly different coloration.
Common in most parts of South Africa except for some areas in the Cape.
One of the female forms appears very similar to the African Monarch.
Larval stage feeds on creeping fox glove and other plants.
Male and female with distinctly different coloration.
Common in most parts of South Africa except for some areas in the Cape.
One of the female forms appears very similar to the African Monarch.
Larval stage feeds on creeping fox glove and other plants.

Common Mother-of-pearl protogoniomorpha parhassus (65-90 mm)
Male and female similar.
Common in eastern parts of South africa.
Larval stage feeds on buckweed, fox glove among others.
Male and female similar.
Common in eastern parts of South africa.
Larval stage feeds on buckweed, fox glove among others.

Summer (or wet form)
Gaudy Commodore Presis octavia sesamus and natalensis (50-63 mm)
Male and female similar but distinct wet and dry season forms.
Form sesamus - dry form - blue coloration.
Form Natalensis - wet form - orangy red coloration
change of season results in a combination of the two forms, referred to as an intermediate form.
Common in the eastern parts of South Africa.
Larval stage feeds on various species of plectranthus.
Male and female similar but distinct wet and dry season forms.
Form sesamus - dry form - blue coloration.
Form Natalensis - wet form - orangy red coloration
change of season results in a combination of the two forms, referred to as an intermediate form.
Common in the eastern parts of South Africa.
Larval stage feeds on various species of plectranthus.

Gaudy Commodore (Intermediate form)

Winter (or dry form)

Dry (or winter form)
Garden Commodore Presis archesia archesia (45-60mm)
Male and female similar.
Winter and summer forms.(see summer form below)
Common in the eastern parts of South Africa.
Larval stage feeds on species of Plectranthus.
Male and female similar.
Winter and summer forms.(see summer form below)
Common in the eastern parts of South Africa.
Larval stage feeds on species of Plectranthus.

Summer (or wet form)

Brown Pansy Junonia natalica natalica (45-55mm)
Male and female similar.
Restricted to eastern coastal areas. Common in coastal regions of KwaZulu-Natal.
Larval stage feeds on creeping foxglove and Phaulopsis Imbricata.
Male and female similar.
Restricted to eastern coastal areas. Common in coastal regions of KwaZulu-Natal.
Larval stage feeds on creeping foxglove and Phaulopsis Imbricata.

Yellow Pansy Junonia oenone oenone (40-52mm)
Male and female similar. Females have dots on hind wings.
Common throughout the country except for most parts of the Cape province.
Larval stage feeds on creeping foxglove among others.
Male and female similar. Females have dots on hind wings.
Common throughout the country except for most parts of the Cape province.
Larval stage feeds on creeping foxglove among others.

Blue Pansy Junonia oenone oenone (40-52mm)
Male and female similar. Female with two red circles on each hind wing.
Widespread throughout South Africa excluding most areas of the Cape.
Larval stage feeds on creeping foxglove among others.
Male and female similar. Female with two red circles on each hind wing.
Widespread throughout South Africa excluding most areas of the Cape.
Larval stage feeds on creeping foxglove among others.

Eyed Pansy Junonia orithya madagascariensis
Also referred to as the Ox-eyed pansy.
Afrikaans - Padwagtertjie.
Widespread but not as commonly seen as the other pansies.
photo by Yvonne van Zyl
Also referred to as the Ox-eyed pansy.
Afrikaans - Padwagtertjie.
Widespread but not as commonly seen as the other pansies.
photo by Yvonne van Zyl

Eyed pansy
photo by Yvonne van Zyl
photo by Yvonne van Zyl

Painted Lady Vanessa cardui (40-50mm)
Male and female similar.
Common in most parts of South Africa.
Larval stage feeds on some Gazania species among others.
Male and female similar.
Common in most parts of South Africa.
Larval stage feeds on some Gazania species among others.

Southern Short-tailed Admiral Antanartia hippomene hippomene (40-48mm)
Males and females similar.
Restricted to south eastern parts of South Africa.
Less common species.
Larval stage feeds on Laportia peduncularis among others.
Males and females similar.
Restricted to south eastern parts of South Africa.
Less common species.
Larval stage feeds on Laportia peduncularis among others.

Dancing Acraea Acarea eponina eponina
Also referred to as 'small orange acraea'. Females can vary in colour.
Easter parts of South Africa.
Larval; stage feed on species of Triumfetta.
Also referred to as 'small orange acraea'. Females can vary in colour.
Easter parts of South Africa.
Larval; stage feed on species of Triumfetta.

Forest Queen Euxanthe wakefieldi
Males and females are different in coloration. (dimorphic)
This male specimen was caught in Ramsgate, KwaZulu-Natal.
Males and females are different in coloration. (dimorphic)
This male specimen was caught in Ramsgate, KwaZulu-Natal.
Field guide to butterflies of South Africa (Steve Woodhall)
Field guide to butterflies of South Africa (Steve Woodhall)